THERE are probably no other residents who gain as much attention as the ones who have currently made Worcester Cathedral their home.

Passersby gaze over at them, there is a popular livestream of their home and now you can even attend pop-up sessions where you grab a pair of binoculars to get a clearer view.

I am, of course, talking about the peregrine falcons nesting on the landmark who, along with the chicks, have captured the city's hearts.

Following the birth of the Peter and Peggy's chicks in April, Worcester Cathedral is now hosting free drop-in viewing sessions throughout the coming weeks. 

The public can view the birds through a scope and binoculars provided by the cathedral and they also have the opportunity to ask questions about the feathered family to falcon experts. Worcester News: Peregrine Falcon viewing Peregrine Falcon viewing (Image: Daniel Kelly)

Despite the weather looking like it could turn, the threat of rain did not put people off attending. 

When I arrived at the College Green I was greeted by Chris Dobbs, the cathedral's biodiversity advisor and a crowd of around 15 people with personal cameras and binoculars. 

A viewing scope had been set up and the peregrine falcon livestream was playing on a laptop for people to view. 

I then asked a plethora of questions about the cathedral residents, such as their feeding habits, how popular the sessions have been and what are some of the key points in the chicks' lives that people will be able to see. 

Worcester News: Can you spot the birds?Can you spot the birds? (Image: Daniel Kelly)

Mr Dobbs was very knowledgeable and was happy to answer my questions, saying: "At the moment they seem to be mainly catching starlings and pigeons but I have seen them catch a woodpecker and young gulls.

"What they catch seems to depend on how big the chicks are, they seem to catch small prey when they are young. 

"The male (Peter) is out hunting at the moment but they also stash food in case he is unsuccessful."

I then went to look through the scope and was surprised to see Peggy in much more detail than I had been able to see through the livestream. 

I knew it was Peggy as Mr Dobbs explained that she was bigger than Peter and had white flecks on her neck. 

Worcester News: The chicks were ringed earlier this week...The chicks were ringed earlier this week... (Image: Newsquest)

Mr Dobbs continued: "Interest has built up, we get a lot of local people and tourists. 

"It's lovely to see the crowds that the birds attract."

RECOMMENDED READING: Worcester Cathedral peregrine falcons pop up viewing days

RECOMMENDED READING: Final peregrine falcon hatches at Worcester Cathedral

RECOMMENDED READING: Worcester Cathedral launches peregrine nesting live stream

Though I was not able to see the chicks or Peter through the scopes, I can certainly see why it is so popular with many people popping by.

Mr Dobbs also explained that the chicks would be fledging towards the end of the month and that sometimes people can see the birds pass food to each other through the air.

And no doubt many more people will be visiting the pop up sessions before the chicks fly the nest.

For a full list of sessions, visit the Peregrines Falcons in Worcester Facebook page.