VISITORS to two popular attractions could soon be hit with a £100 fine for failing to comply with new automatic number plate recognition (ANPR) cameras. 

Lower Wick Swimming Pool announced the installation of the cameras on Tuesday (May 14) - 24 hours after Worcester Golf Range revealed the same news.

Both the swimming pool and the golf range are on Weir Lane. 

As a vehicle passes an ANPR camera, its registration number is read and instantly checked against database records. 

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Those visiting the swimming pool facilities will now need to validate their parking with the tablet in reception. 

Customers will be able to do this on their way into the swimming pool or on the way out following their visit. 

Budding Rory McIlroy's looking to improve their drive will have to add their car registration into a terminal, which is situated at the Golf Range's till.

People will be asked to add their registration number onto the tablet as they pay at the Golf Range to validate their parking. 

The ANPR cameras will be in operation 24 hours a day. 

Those who do not comply could face a £100 parking charge notice, although this will be reduced to £60 if it is paid within 14 days of the notice being issued. 

A statement from both the swimming pool and the golf range thanked customers for their understanding and reassured them staff would guide them through the process if needed.