Plans to convert a former launderette in London Road into a takeaway have been rejected by the council.

The owners of London Road Mini Market, near the traffic lights at the Wyld’s Lane junction, wanted to transform the ground floor of the building into a takeaway selling pizza, burgers, chips and kebabs.

But Worcester City Council’s planning officers said: “It has not been demonstrated that the proposed development can provide sufficient parking for the hot-food takeaway use,” adding that it could cause “significant highway safety concerns”.

The shop is currently in use as a convenience store and up until June 2021 was a laundrette.

Worcester News: GONE: The building was previously a laundretteGONE: The building was previously a laundrette (Image: ACP architects)

The upper floor of 142 London Road is a self-contained flat, with access from the rear of the building.

Neighbours had objected to the plans, with a number of them saying there are already more than enough takeaways in the area.

That stretch of London is already served by a pub, a chip shop, a cafe and two Chinese takeaways, as well as a Tesco petrol station.

One neighbour said: “Whilst I would like an Indian takeaway nearby, with two Chinese takeaways and one fish and chips, and a cafe, I feel we already have enough in a small area with yellow lines so no parking.

“The takeaway delivery drivers at the moment park on the pavement. The previous usage was more useful to the area’s population.”

Carol Denslow said: “After living in the area for approx 40 years, I feel there are enough fast food outlets already.

“Quite honestly if this opens how will it impact on the existing fast food outlets? There are double yellow lines so not suitable for parking and also it is too close to the traffic lights.

“What this area needs is a small convenience store or a chemist.”

Costas Mougis said: “Having lost the amenity of a laundry service in the shop I don’t feel another takeaway would best serve the community.

“The area is already over congested with traffic due to being on the main road into Worcester and this would add to the congestion with extra cars and delivery vehicles using the takeaway, not to mention the hazard of more cars near the Red Hill school at pick up time.”