A Worcester school has been the go-ahead to build a new all-weather sports facility.

Blessed Edward Oldcorne Catholic College is using money claimed back by the council from housing developers as part of the planning process to fund a second multi-use games area (MUGA).

The new MUGA will have a “resilient polymeric surface” suitable for football and netball, a four-metre high fence and drainage system so it can be used all year round.

And like the school’s current multi-use sports facility, it will be open for community use.

Worcester News: The school’s existing MUGA was blessed in 2013 by Rt Rev Mgr Timothy Menezes and Father Paul Johnson, watched by pupils Jack Robinson, Abby Tong, Ella Partington, Jason Buck and Daisy MartinThe school’s existing MUGA was blessed in 2013 by Rt Rev Mgr Timothy Menezes and Father Paul Johnson, watched by pupils Jack Robinson, Abby Tong, Ella Partington, Jason Buck and Daisy Martin

A statement from Blessed Edward included in its planning application said: “The new MUGA will provide a wonderful opportunity to enhance the sports provision at our school.

“The all-weather nature of the surface and the fact it is in a self-contained area will enable more outdoor sports lessons to occur all year round and at all times of the day, even during playtimes when the playground is in use.

“Lunchtime sports clubs will also be possible every day for football and netball, which we currently timetable into the playground.

“The wider community uses our site in term time and during the holidays and would therefore also benefit from these fantastic new additional facilities.

“The creation of the MUGA therefore will allow for more sport to occur on this area of land in all weathers and at all times of the day and we are thoroughly looking forward to this real enhancement of our sporting provision.”

Existing rugby and football pitches, which are used by teams including Nunnery Wood Colts Football Club, will be marked out elsewhere on the school grounds.

Sports England raised no objection to the proposals.

“Regarding the social and environmental roles, the scheme would deliver enhanced sporting facilities, that would enable sporting participation across the seasons and in the darker evening hours for a range of ages and participants,” said city planners.

“Overall, it is considered that the proposal constitutes an environmentally, socially and economically sustainable form of development and planning permission should therefore be granted.”