BAD parking down these city streets could be "putting lives at risk", according to readers.

Fears have been raised over people's safety after it was revealed fire engines and ambulances may struggle to fit down some Worcester roads due to bad parking. 

It comes after a fire engine was forced to reverse out of Whinfield Road in Claines because cars had parked on both sides of the narrow residential road.

Worcester News: The fire engine was stuck on Whinfield Road in Worcester.The fire engine was stuck on Whinfield Road in Worcester. (Image: Nick Sturdy)It has led group commander Thom Morgan of Hereford & Worcester Fire and Rescue Service to speak out against inconsiderate car parking.

He said it is putting everyone's lives at risk if fire engines cannot get by during an emergency, and in narrow streets, people should only park on one side of the road.

Worcester News readers have shared the roads they believe are putting lives at risk due to inconsiderate parking.

Worcester News: Alma Street in Barbourne.Alma Street in Barbourne. (Image: Street View)One of the roads residents feared most was Alma Street in Barbourne.

Louise Warlow said she struggles to even get her car down the narrow Victorian street, and another reader, Sarah Nichols, called it 'a nightmare'.

The business Gifted Brownies said it has seen ambulances struggle to get through Newtown Road.

Worcester News: Newtown Road in Worcester.Newtown Road in Worcester. (Image: Google Street View)It said: "I've seen ambulances struggle to get by Newtown Road several times this past week or two alone.

"I appreciate that the work needs doing, but we need to be looking more at night work; there are so many benefits to it.

"Dread to think if the delays had repercussions."

Worcester News: Brookside Road in St John's.Brookside Road in St John's. (Image: Google Street View)

Another reader believes Brookside Road in St John's is bad if an emergency service vehicle wishes to get past.

Sarah Veale said: "So many people have drives but don't use them, then, people have vehicles that they park on the path leaving oil/diesel slicks, others park opposite each other so large vehicles can't get through and have to reverse back the way they came in.

"God help those people don't need an emergency vehicle."

However, other readers said the issue is prominent across the city. 

Jan Hill warned that half of Warndon Villages has issues with parking, especially now that many driveways and garages cannot accommodate for the number of cars at an address.

Lead group commander Thom Morgan of Hereford & Worcester Fire said, when parking, residents should remember to park close to the kerb, keep their wheels straight, fold in wing mirrors, obey the Highway Code and road markings, and not park too close to corners.