TWO sisters have drawn inspiration from a book to raise money for people caught up in the war in Gaza.

Worcester’s Nora and Ruby Shurvinton, 11 and 9, are supporting Doctors Without Borders which is providing medical aid and supplies into Palestine.

The girls have already raised more than £1,400 with a 25-mile charity walk which is the same distance as the length of the Gaza Strip.

Their mother Kate said: “Nora is currently reading The Boy at the Back of the Class which is a book about a group of friends who help a refugee boy reunite with his family.

“This led to a conversation about the reasons why people may become refugees and then on to a conversation about the current situation in Gaza.

"Inspired by the friends in the book, Nora decided that she would like to do something to help the innocent civilians that have been caught up in the situation in Gaza.

“We decided to fundraise for Doctors Without Borders which is currently providing much-needed medical aid and supplies into Gaza.

“Doctors Without Borders is an impartial, neutral and independent organisation that delivers aid wherever the need is greatest.

"The girls hoped to raise £100 but in just 48 hours raised an incredible £1,281. They are collecting sponsors for a 25-mile walk, which is the length of the Gaza Strip, and hope to cover this distance over the next few days locally.”

Doctors Without Borders sent more than 50 tons of medical supplies into Gaza via three deliveries with the first alone covering the needs for 800 surgical interventions.

It has around 300 staff members helping to treat the wounded and offer surgical support.

Gaza’s Hamas-run health ministry says more than 30,000 people have been killed since October with some 7,000 missing and at least 70,450 injured.

To support the girls' fundraiser, visit