AN intrepid duo are set to run the length of Luxembourg to raise cash for a cause close to their hearts.

University of Worcester student Callum Wilkinson, 20, will be joined by his friend Ethan Hodder, with neither particularly keen runners, in tackling the challenge from March 26 until 28.

They are aiming to go from the most southern to furthest northern point of Luxembourg - a distance of around 72 miles in just under three days.

It will be in aid of West Bromwich-based The Kaleidoscope Plus Group, a mental health charity which supports those in need.

Callum, who hails from the Black Country and is in his second year of studying sports and exercise science at Worcester while living in St John's, said: "We have always had the urge to do unusual stuff and 'push the boat' so to speak.

"We both found a time where we were able to get time off of work and other commitments so it was just a case of finding something that was doable yet challenging.

"We both want to be able to tell cool stories when we are older and we thought that this would be a pretty cool story to tell!

"In terms of preparation, I actually feel that preparing for the three days will actually be harder than the three days itself.

"Juggling uni, a part-time job and training to run quite a distance have been pretty challenging.

"I am currently running three times a week and this should see me be pretty well set up.

"It is also a similar story for Ethan. He works very long days and is also in the middle of training for a boxing match a few weeks after we come back. Safe to say it is very hectic over here!

"We have never really taken an interest in running. We both played a lot of football growing up but we never just woke up one day and thought, 'yeah, let’s go on a run today'.

"We decided to raise funds for Kaleidoscope because firstly they are established only a few miles away from where we both grew up.

"We wanted to support a cause that was pretty close to home.

"Secondly, we both have family members that have had battles, and continue to have, with mental health.

"Ultimately, it was about picking a charity that we both get behind and genuinely care about helping those that need it.

"They ticked all the boxes and were extremely keen to help us out which was cool."

The duo are hoping for support from the community and businesses, both around Worcester and the Black Country.

They will be staying in hostels at night and running with bags on their backs during the day.

Ethan, who is also 20 and works in a steel factory, lives in Rowley Regis, near Dudley, and has known Callum since they both attended Ormiston Forge Academy, Cradley Heath.

Luxembourg, Europe's seventh-smallest country, borders France, Belgium and Germany.

The Kaleidoscope Plus Group's goal is to champion mental health and wellbeing, driving real change and providing crucial mental health support services to the community wherever they are needed.

The duo's JustGiving page can be found at