VANDALS have targeted a Worcester nursery - breaking its shed and squirting paint around the site. 

Staff were upset to discover Magic Moments Childcare, based at the Tudor Way Children Centre, had been targeted by vandals with the manager saying she does not understand why anyone would want to do it to a children's nursery.

Becky Moffat, who runs the nursery in Dines Green, visited the nursery yesterday (Sunday) to drop off a new playhouse for the children when she came across the destruction. 

Worcester News: The children's shed was damaged.The children's shed was damaged. (Image: Magic Moments)The outdoor tap had been left running, one of their shed windows was smashed, and paint was splattered across the building, children's toys, wellies, coats and security cameras. 

She said: "I don't get why people would want to do it. 

"I don't think they know the impact it's had. We are not talking £1,000 of damage, but still.

Worcester News: The paint had been splattered across the outdoor area.The paint had been splattered across the outdoor area. (Image: Magic Moments)"I am spending my Saturday cleaning it up when I should be spending time with my family."

The team at the nursery has tried removing the paint but said it has made the damage worse.

Miss Moffat said they will need to pay to get the area jetwashed professionally, or if anyone is willing to lend them a hand to put things back to how they should be, the team would be grateful.

The vandals had stolen three bottles of paint and emptied their contents across the outside of the nursery.

Worcester News: Doors were splashed with paint.Doors were splashed with paint. (Image: Magic Moments)It is unknown how much it will cost to replace the damaged goods.

"Lots of parents have come to help us - It is really good and shows the community spirit," said 

"It is a shame someone would want to do it.

"We have received a lot of good support and have a great network."

Magic Moments looks after 44 children from three months old to five years old. 

It was rated Good by Ofsted in August 2022.

Anyone who may be able to help the nursery repair the damage or donate services or equipment can contact the nursery directly.

A Facebook post from the nursery said: "When you pop into nursery on a Sunday morning this wasn’t quite what I was expecting.

"Someone has got into the garden, broken into the shed and found some paint then decided to spray it over the entire building, also left the outside tap running so it’s a good job I came to nursery when I did!

"It has been reported to the police and we are looking through the CCTV but if anyone knows anything or saw anyone leaving the nursery I think it has taken place this morning.

"Really don’t understand why people would want to do this to a place that children love. Feeling very angry and upset."

Anyone with information about the incident should call police on the non-emergency number 101.