FOR my next fundraising event as Mayor of Worcester, the Mayoress and I will be hosting a Charity Fashion Show at the Guildhall on Thursday, March 14 in aid of my chosen charity Age UK Worcester and Malvern Hills.

Alongside Age UK, I am working with students from Christopher Whitehead Language College, Nunnery Wood High School and Heart of Worcestershire College to make this a sustainability-themed fashion show.

It will feature up-cycled clothes and accessories that will be produced and modelled by the students.

The clothes have been donated by staff and parents from the participating schools and also by local businesses and their employees.

The students will re-imagine the items to create a variety of outfits for different occasions and, to help them, they have been given free access to Age UK’s charity shops so that they can choose items to accessorise their collections.

The event will be held in the Guildhall’s spectacular Assembly Room.

It will include a drinks reception with canapés, a two-course dinner and entertainment from a string quartet plus performances by some of the very talented students.

Following the fashion show itself, each outfit will be offered at auction for guests to bid on and there will be a further auction and raffle of items that have been very kindly donated by local residents and businesses to raise further funds for Age UK.

I would like to thank everyone who has already generously contributed to this event.

For further information about the Charity Fashion Show and to obtain tickets, please email