AN active 77-year-old described as a "superhero" has just started her modelling career.

Jan McNelis is well known in Worcester for running 31 marathons and gaining a weighty medal collection.

Since 1980, Jan has been a registered child minder and cared for 51 children and babies.

Stuart Callister, owner of Worcester's Severn Vale Home Care, said: "Jan is a true superhero for all those who know her.

"Her latest remarkable endeavour is to model for our latest video which aims to answer popular questions about our home care services.

"Full of life, energy and sparkle, Jan's lust for life and positive attitude shines through on camera.

"Walking into Jan's home is a wonderful experience. She is a woman full of smiles and kindness. Many of us would aspire to be as strong and as positive as Jan in our older years.

"She proves that age is just a number! As a member of the local community, Jan wanted to help highlight the importance of reaching out for help when you need it in your older years.

"All too often, family can be separated by distance and health can decline as we age. It's easy to start to feel isolated and that life is a bit of a struggle, especially if falls become a risk factor.

"We are an aging population and it is important we all get the support we need as we get older.

"Health problems can impact any of us at any age and there should be no embarrassment about reaching out for help.

"Jan knows Katie, a member of our management team, and helps to look after her children when she is working.

"Katie always remarks on what an inspiring person Jan is so Jan was the first person we asked when we wanted to create a video for the local community in need of home care.

"It is indicated by statistics that the more activities you enjoy as you age the less likely you will have serious medical issues as health can be related to attitude.

"The more activities of daily living one can do, even with help, the more likely later life will be easier and more joyful.

"Often people don't reach out for care until something like a fall has happened.

"Perhaps because they think they are making a fuss and telling themselves they are fine.

"However, just 30 minutes or an hour of care a week could mean that someone isn't struggling on their own to do tasks such as grocery shopping.

"I set up Severn Vale Home Care three years ago to help the community and it's wonderful to be able to see our carers help so many people in Worcester." 

Jan’s video can be seen at and the provider can be contacted on 01905 950409.