A WORCESTER student features in a new campaign which has been launched by the Department for Education.

The ‘It all starts with skills’ campaign is designed to inspire young people, adults and businesses to make the most of their potential by engaging in a range of technical qualifications, training and skills.

Harrison Ricketts has embarked on his own training journey and believes it is vital that more people can make informed choices so they can gain the skills and qualifications they need to progress in life and work.

The 18-year-old is a cybersecurity student studying for his Higher National Diploma in computing, an approved Higher Technical Qualification (HTQ), and appears as background cast in the advert.

Harrison said: “The campaign is inspired by people like me, each individual on a personal journey to gaining new skills and building a career for the future by harnessing their potential.

"It really brings to light how skills can change your life and highlights that there is something for everyone, including qualifications and courses you might never have heard of.

“I’ve always had a passion for computing but it was only when I spoke to a career adviser that I realised there were alternative ways I could upskill in cybersecurity specifically – an area I wanted to explore and build a career in.

"My course allows me to get on-the-job experience whilst continuously learning every day.

“As a keen youth ambassador and someone that wants to help people, like me, find the career that works for them, I’m a big advocate of the Skills for Life campaign.

"The website can help you realise how many paths there are available and explains all of the various courses and resources on offer.

"It also signposts to advertised positions to help you take that next step in your skills journey.”

To launch the campaign, a new emotive film will air on national TV, video on demand (VOD) and in cinemas across England as well as across radio and outdoor billboards.

Real learners feature as part of the broader campaign, each having embarked on their own varied training routes in recent years.

There are more technical education and training routes on offer than ever before including apprenticeships, T Levels, Skills Bootcamps, Higher Technical Qualifications (HTQs), Free Courses for Jobs, Multiply and essential skills (English, maths and digital).

Minister for skills, apprenticeships and higher education Robert Halfon said: “Throughout my political career, I have championed apprenticeships and skills, driven by an unwavering passion to ensure we are providing a ladder of opportunity to everyone across the country.   

“Since 2010 we have revolutionised skills training and there are now more fantastic training opportunities available than ever before.

"It is my firm belief that empowering individuals with the right skills not only transforms lives but also strengthens our economy, fostering a more inclusive and prosperous future for all.

 “From apprenticeships and T Levels to Skills Bootcamps and Higher Technical Qualifications, we’re opening doors for young people and adults to achieve their fullest potential.

"Now is the time to spread the word far and wide about our skills programmes, letting every corner of the country know about the training available.

 “Our new Skills for Life campaign features real learners who have gone on their own transformative journey like Harrison from Worcester and who want to inspire others to have the confidence to follow in their footsteps.

"The campaign’s new one stop shop website will support even more people make informed choices and get all the information they need to take those important next steps needed for success.”

The website has also launched as part of the campaign, alongside support and advice from the National Careers Service, making it easier for learners and businesses to find out more about the technical education and training routes on offer to progress careers and grow businesses.

For more details, visit www.skillsforcareers.education.gov.uk/pages/skills-for-life.