The University of Worcester is set to offer budding fantasy writers an event dedicated to honing their craft later this month.

The day-long Fantasy Writers' Day offers attendees the chance to learn from experienced writers, gain tips on enhancing their work and obtain insights from numerous authors in the fantasy genre.

Participants will also have opportunities to share their writing with others at the event at The Hive on February 24 from 9.30am to 2.30pm.

Ruth Stacey, lecturer in creative writing at the university, said: “Someone can spend ages thinking about their fantasy world, but if it’s not a compelling story or it’s a generic retelling of another work it won’t hold the reader’s attention.

“One approach to writing fantasy fiction is to have a sketched-out story and put characters in that help you to build the world as you go along. That way you have something to aim for in terms of plot and enjoy the character growth as you write.

"The biggest tip is to read a lot, read a lot of fantasy work. By reading you will learn story structure and become a better writer.”

Fantasy fiction's growing popularity is also set to be explored by Ms Stacey, who believes the sequential nature of many works in the genre and the opportunity for fans to return to a beloved author contributes to its appeal.

She says fantasy offers "a wonderful sense of escapism" and, although it may involve dragons or mythical beings, it often centres on "how people cope with difficulties, challenges, and relationships - that’s extremely relatable".

For those wishing to attend the event, booking is required and tickets cost of £3.

This is one of a series of fantasy-themed events at the venue in February.

Other activities include a discussion exploring the cult television series Stranger Things, presentations on the fantasy genre from university staff and students, children's activities and live screenings of discussions held at the British Library.

For more information about the Fantasy Writer's Day and other upcoming events, visit The Hive’s Fantasy Worlds webpage.