Worcester's MP has highlighted the need for better special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) provision in the city, calling for more funding.

Robin Walker advocated for better funding and early identification of special needs in the city.

He pressed the minister for funding to support the construction and operation of the new SEND assessment centre after the closure of Fort Royal's facility.

He said: "Thank you, Mister Speaker, I very much welcome the fact that this Government is doubling its investment in early years and childcare, but as the Secretary of State said earlier with regards to special educational needs, early identification of need is absolutely key.

"From that perspective would the minister meet with me to discuss the urgent for a specialist assessment centre in Worcester after the loss of the one at Fort Royal?

"It’s gone out for commissioning, but unfortunately, we have not had any bids to host the new one and we need to get on with delivering one for next September."

The minister for funding said: "Can I thank my honourable friend, I don’t know the details of his specific case, but I would be delighted to meet with him to discuss it further."

In his continuous campaign for improved SEND provision in and around Worcester, Mr Walker is a long-term advocate for the f40 Campaign that is seeking to lower the range of per pupil funding for SEND pupils by raising the funding for the lowest 40 areas.

In a recent backbench business debate, he said: "This is a hugely challenging and important area.

"It would not only ease a large and growing financial burden affecting every local authority up and down the country, but particularly benefit children with SEND and their families if the aspirations set out in this motion could be delivered."