PLANS for a much anticipated BMX track - the first in the city - have been given the go-ahead after delays.

Council officers had recommended Worcester’s Place and Economic Development Committee defer a decision after strong objections from some residents - but members decided against this.

The circular BMX track has been proposed to be built in Battenhall Park on the edge of St Peter’s in Worcester and is set to cost around £60,000.

The council gave approval in principle to the track 50 metres x 20 metres and suitable for all ages and skill levels in 2021 -  but three years later it has still not materialised.

A consultation took place which showed 60 per cent said they would use the facility, 40 per cent saying they would never use it, while 65 per cent felt the track was in the right location.

Worcester News: TRACK: A pump track at Wychbold recreation groundTRACK: A pump track at Wychbold recreation ground (Image: Newsquest)

Cara Williams, one of the concerned residents. told the meeting the proposed facility was "fabulous" but their concerns stemmed from the location of a proposed "huge" attraction. 

"(There are) deeply rooted issues associated with the chosen site including the boggy terrain, the proximity to houses and loss of green space."

But Gary Vallance, a Battenhall resident, said he was there for his 12-year-old son, Jacob, as plans were at a "standstill".

"He and I have visited over 150 pump tracks around the UK, Mr Vallance said. 

"He has almost given up hoping for one he can enjoy with his neighbours and schoolmates."

Lloyd Griffiths, corporate director - operations, homes and communities, said: "What we have acknowledged if this was the first pump track location for Worcester it would very likely become a destination site.

Worcester News: LOCATION: The proposed location of Battenhall ParkLOCATION: The proposed location of Battenhall Park (Image: Worcester City Council)

"If would be more preferable if it came with support and infrastructure which Battenhall Park doesn't contain at the moment."

"Although most respondents were supportive (in the consultation), it was clear there was local opposition to it.

"The reasons cited ranged from noise, anti-social behaviour, litter, damage and impact on wildlife and biodiversity."

He said officers were recommending deferral to allow officers to investigate further sites.

But at the start of councillors' discussions it quickly became clear a majority were against it. 

Councillor Jessie Jagger proposed an amendment for it to be approved on the condition the authority works with concerned residents and looks at locations for other tracks.

"A lot of decisions we make ignore young people," Cllr Jagger said.

"It's inevitable nimby's will always have the loudest voices.

"Whatever ward this pump track goes to will face loud opposition from a handful of people.

"If we don't make progress on this today none of us can guarantee it will happen."

Councillor Jabba Riaz said: "There is a considerable lack of facilities. It is a key location hundreds use as a play facility.  We are too afraid to make brave decisions."

Councillor James Stanley said: "I would not want to see this lost - we can work together to allay fears."

Worcester News:

Cllr Simon Geraghty said work on the plan lasted three years.

"We won't find a perfect site," Cllr Geraghty said.

"This should be the first pump track. We should continue to examine other sites (for others)."

But councillor Elena Round said: "I have great concerns about the location. 

"There are going to be lots of cars parked in residential streets that are already rammed." 

When the vote was taken at the meeting on Monday, (January 30), a majority approved the recommendation.

  • A previous version of this story mentioned planning and planning officers. We have been asked by Worcester City Council to point out that planning permission is not required for this project as no part of the proposed track will be above 4m in height and therefore it can be installed under permitted development rights. We apologise for any confusion.
  • A picture showing a previous location in the park for the pump track has been changed to show a new location and the one that has been agreed.