Worcester News readers have been giving their take on if modern car headlights are too bright.

Readers took to Facebook to give their thoughts, with the bulk leaning towards the affirmative.

Tina Merry was one of the first to comment, suggesting that the brightness is excessive.



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She said: "Yes, it’s great they can see 100 miles in front of them but it takes me the next 100 miles to regain my vision from being blinded."

Echoing her sentiments, Lorna Connolly said: "Yep way too bright.

"Like driving into full headlights even when they are dipped."

The sense of being dazzled by oncoming vehicles was a recurring theme.

Joanne Ellis commented: "It almost feels like full beam are on sometimes with cars coming towards you.

"Even my children have mentioned about lights being too bright."

Selina Mellichap concurred, writing: "Yes blinding. Like everyone's driving around with their main beams on", while Clair Day added: "Yes, anyone with sensitive eyes can agree."

However, some readers presented a more nuanced viewpoint.

For example, Nigel Bradford felt the issue wasn't necessarily with the brightness itself, but rather the adjustment, saying: "No, but a lot of headlights when dipped do appear to be badly adjusted."

Similarly, Dave Jeynes said: "Get your lights properly adjusted".

Declan Watson shared his personal experience of replacing a bulb with a brighter alternative.

His observation was that apart from being "a tiny bit brighter on the road right in front of you, there's no difference."

Amongst the wave of affirmative feedback, quite a few readers shared one-word responses, such as Anne Hutchison who responded emphatically, "YES. Unnecessary so."

Hayley Lewis added a different dimension to the discussion.

She identified her short stature and small car as factors increasing her susceptibility to being dazzled, commenting: "Yes. My care is quite small and low down, and I'm 5'0, so when an SUV or something big is coming towards me (or behind actually) I get dazzled as their lights are right in my eyes.

"I swear some people don't know you can adjust headlights too."