RESIDENTS have said flytipping is "out of control" and blighting a small picturesque area of Worcestershire.

Wychavon District Council has reminded people the penalty for flytipping can be up to five years in prison as it continues to investigate the reports. 

A resident, who lives in Sneads Green not far from Cutnall Green, said the problems had been going on for 18 months. 

He said: "Fly-tipping is absolutely out of control by our house.

"We can see five separate spots where it’s happening. Council have cleaned up in the past but it continues to happen."

He shared pictures with the paper of dumped material on the side of a road near a gate in recent days.

The picture showed so much material was being left out it was spreading out into the road. 

Worcester News: FLYTIP: Material being dumped in Sneads GreenFLYTIP: Material being dumped in Sneads Green (Image: Submitted)

A Wychavon District Council spokesperson said there had been seven reports of fly-tipping in or near The Knoll in the Sneads Green area in the past year.

The spokesperson said: "The Knoll is not yet considered a known ‘hotspot’ for fly-tipping but staff at Wychavon will continue to monitor the area closely.

"Staff at Wychavon investigate all reports of fly-tipping and residents are encouraged to contact Wychavon if they see any illegal dumping or tipping of waste or rubbish onto public land.

"The penalty for fly-tipping ranges from a hefty fine up to £50,000 or up to five years in prison depending on what is dumped, how much is dumped and where.

"If you find that this is on the highway, report it to the county council highways department on 01905 765765."

Tim Lewis, head of client services at Wychavon, said: “Fly-tipping is not a victimless or a harmless crime.

"It costs you, the taxpayer and landowners money to deal with. It inconveniences the public, and in some cases, it can be dangerous.

“Where we find evidence showing who the dumped waste belongs to, we will always prosecute.

"You must take responsibility for your waste. If you’re looking for someone to dispose of your waste, check their waste-carrier licence.”

The council advise that if a member of the public sees somebody fly-tipping they should not approach the person.

Instead they should write down as many relevant details as possible and report them to the council on its website.

Suggested information to record includes:

  • A description of the people fly-tipping.
  • Full description of any vehicle involved, especially the registration.
  • What was fly-tipped?
  • What kind of view you had and whether anyone else was with you

Residents can report any incidents of fly-tipping at