MARRIED witches say they live in domestic bliss because they can fix any issues with the power of pagan spells.

Anne and Timothy Edge of Worcester said they regularly use witchcraft to help around the home and to improve the weather. 

In the garden of their home in Worcester they create protection circles to keep the house and family safe from harm.

Many may be familiar with similar witch marks or circles at The Fleece Inn in Bretforton and at Tudor House in Friar Street in Worcester, also designed to offer protection.

Worcester News: FOLKLORE: Witches and witchcraft retain a fascination for many people FOLKLORE: Witches and witchcraft retain a fascination for many people (Image: SWNS)

The couple even use spells for health purposes- drinking mullein tea to help the lungs and using metal on the shoulder blades to help with nose bleeds.

Anne, 49, met Timothy, 56, in her friend's car in February 1998, and they ''instantly fell in love''.

She quickly introduced her witchcraft, spells and rituals to Tim and displayed the domestic benefits of asking the universe for help.

Now the couple cast spells to help them find their adventurous cat from their home made spell book, The Book of Shadows.

Anne, an event organiser, from Birmingham, said: "We cast spells in our daily lives.

"They can help in all sorts of ways.

"A find a familiar helps with the cat.

"This spell will locate or draw an animal to us.

"We even cast weather spells to clear the sky.

"Spells bring us closer to each other and nature.

"Our souls are intertwined and connect us to a higher power.''

Worcester News: MAGIC: Anne, 49, with Timothy Edge, 56, and their son. MAGIC: Anne, 49, with Timothy Edge, 56, and their son. (Image: SWNS)

Anne first noticed her natural talent for spells when she astra travelled- a way to travel your consciousness through the material plane - to a friend's house.

After confiding in her grandma, Connie Animes, who passed away in 2003, Anne discovered she also had 'magical powers'.

Grandma, Connie set about teaching her remedies like drinking nettle tea for hay fever and dock leaves for nettle stings.

Anne said: "She was incredibly clever, and we were very close.

"My parents found it weird that I loved playing with plants with my nan.

''I loved country witchcraft.''

Country witchcraft is a form of spellcasting that uses the natural world- like plants and nature- to redirect energy and cast spells.

Anne continued to explore this world after having her daughter, Charlotte, 29, and meeting Tim in 1998.

Anne, a mother-of-three, said: "I was quick to show my witchcraft to him.

"We both loved nature so I know he would understand. The first spell I showed was a sending healing ritual.

"Before you do any spells you cast a circle of protection made of energy.

"He actually broke the circle the first time.

"He loved it, and now he hasn't turned back.

"And it wasn't long until he started to cast his own spells.''

Additionally, when they lose any of their 13 cats, they cast a find a lost familiar spell to bring them home.

Anne said: "Every spell consists of rituals with different components.

"Sometimes we burn some of the cat's fur.

"We like to ask guardians of the watchtowers for guidance.

"The protectors of the east, south, west and north.

"We ask them for help and for insight."

The married pair's date nights normally consist of attending ancient sites or circles.

The couple even joined a coven over five years ago, named The Coven of Gaia, with over 26 members that wear purple robes, plan festivals and perform rituals together.

Now, Anne is one of the coven heads and arranges their weekly communes and rituals.

Since Anne was diagnosed with COPD, osteoporosis and a non-operable brain tumour, in June 2015, the couple and their coven are researching lots more health spells to help her.

The events organiser and part-time witch, said: "Doctors are shocked I'm still on my feet.

"I believe it's all the energy we've put into our healing spells."