A CYCLING campaign group has urged people to jump on two wheels as 2024 begins.

The chair of Bike Worcester, Danny Brothwell, says plans to promote cycling was a big success in 2023 with lots more people taking up cycling across the city and county.

Here, he tells us what will be happening with bikes in the city in 2024.

He says: "Bike Buses are booming! Bike Worcester volunteers will continue to enthusiastically support nine city primary schools, across twelve routes, with more planned. If you’re a staff member or parent interested in starting one, please get in touch. Bike Buses offer a safe and fun alternative to the normal school run, with children, parents and volunteers cycling in a group on the road. It’s a big hit with the kids, who arrive at school excited and energised.

"Kim Price, parent volunteer at Honeywell Primary School told us: ‘Bike Buses are such a joyful experience. One little boy who struggles leaving his mum to go into school even woke her to say it’s Bike Bus Day; it means he has a good day at school.’

"We await the launch of the city council Beryl Bike hire scheme. We will call for a relaxation of Traffic Regulation Orders which prohibit cycling in the city centre, to support this. A bike hire scheme in a city with a ban on cycling in the centre is nonsense.

"Also eagerly awaited is the Kepax walking and cycling bridge. As part of the grand opening, we invite councillors of all parties to take in all three walking and cycling bridges over the River Severn, the ‘figure of eight’, on Beryl Bikes.

"Our bike repair and recycling scheme in partnership with Crowngate Shopping Centre plans to find new homes for another 100 bikes, to reach 200 overall. If you’ve got a bike you want to donate, or are in need, please contact us.

"We will also campaign to monitor local government progress, encouraging improvements to Worcester City’s Active Travel Plan, which aims to increase active travel to 50 per cent of journeys by 2030.

"A city Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan is also being developed to provide robust and detailed improvements to boost active travel, enabling more people to choose cycling as a regular form of transport.

"We will continue working with Worcestershire County Council as part of their Active Travel Stakeholder Forum to ensure it is a successful tool.

"Many initiatives to lift Worcestershire from zero (out of four) Active Travel England rating, allowing our county to apply for more funding to improve streets for cycling.

"What else for 2024? More bikes…at our monthly group city bike ride, Critical Mass, as well as a monthly family-friendly bike ride, Kidical Mass. There will also be cycling confidence sessions, Bikeability courses, fetes, shows, socials an d lots of bikes in Worcester Carnival. Oh, and the international Bike Bus conference in Frankfurt.

"For the good of our health, community, the air we breathe, the climate crisis, and all the benefits it can bring to Worcester city, join us on a bicycle!"

For more information, visit www.bikeworcester.org.uk / @BikeWorcester on X and Facebook.