A WORCESTER school has been given another glowing report by Ofsted inspectors. 

Inspectors gave Pitmaston Primary School the highest possible ranking after finding the school was "exceptional"  and at the heart of its community. 

The report said: "Pupils’ behaviour is impeccable. They love school and enjoy attending regularly.

"They are a pleasure to speak to.

"Senior leaders are highly ambitious and aspirational for every pupil."

The Malvern Road-based school's early years provision was judged by inspectors to be outstanding - 'the bedrock of the school' - while inspectors said the school’s work to promote pupils’ personal development "is exceptional".

The report highlighted the school's well-designed curriculum, which is said clearly laid out the knowledge and skills pupils should learn in each subject over time, including in the early years.

The inspector said the school had exceptionally high expectations for all pupils and staff, including disadvantaged pupils and pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

The school previously had their last Ofsted Inspection in June 2017 when the school received its first outstanding grade. 

Worcester News: OUTSTANDING: Kate Wilcock, headteacher, Sara Bream, deputy headteacher, Sue Bladen, business manager and Jane Lyons, assistant headteacherOUTSTANDING: Kate Wilcock, headteacher, Sara Bream, deputy headteacher, Sue Bladen, business manager and Jane Lyons, assistant headteacher (Image: Pitmaston Primary School)

The school received its second outstanding after inspectors visited on November 14 and 15 this year. 

Kate Wilcock, headteacher of the school, said: "This is such a huge achievement and I really believe this is truly deserved recognition for each and every member of staff who go above and beyond for our pupils.

"In order to maintain our outstanding grade we have had to continue to drive initiatives forward and champion our curriculum – it is such an exciting place to work. 

"The inspectors recognised everything unique and special about our school, sharing that it was a joy to observe the purposeful and positive relationships between staff and pupils and the focus that we have on individuals' well-being. 

"The full Ofsted report really does reflect this.

“I was most proud of our pupils throughout the inspection.  They spoke to inspectors so fondly about the school, the clubs on offer and all the opportunities they love, sharing that the best thing about school is all the teachers."

Mrs Wilcock added: “We were overwhelmed by the positive comments and support from our families during the Inspection and even more grateful for responses we have received after the Outstanding grade has been shared.” 

Lynda Townsend, chairperson of governors, said: “This is an incredible reflection of the consistently high standards and aspirations that leaders and staff have for every child at Pitmaston.”

At the school's recent Christmas Concert, held at Worcester Cathedral, parents all cheered and showed their support when the Ofsted judgement was mentioned during Mrs Wilcock’s closing speech.