The rain failed to dampen festive spirits as hundreds of Santas took part in a charity fun run in Worcester.

The Santa Dash took place around Worcester Woods on Sunday morning (December 10, raising funds for St Richard’s Hospice.

It had originally been planned to start at South Quay in the city centre and follow a route along the river but the Severn burst its banks, forcing a last-minute change of venue.

Worcester News: Runners with Father Christmas before the eventRunners with Father Christmas before the event (Image: NQ)

Organiser Sofia Gunster has had to deal with the late venue change before and said she was grateful to Worcestershire County Council for allowing use of the County Hall car park.

“Luckily everyone has still turned out - we have 350 people signed up and more arriving on the day,” she said before the run.

“As of Friday, we had raised £7,000 after costs for the hospice and that number will probably go up after people have run.

“We have 20 volunteers on the car park and around the course, the real Santa is here thanks to Worcester Lions and their sleigh, and we also need to say thank you to our sponsors Spa Decorators.”

Runners donned festive costumes ahead of the event and were warmed up before their run by dance instructor Ellie Trueman.

Worcester News: Hundreds of people dressed as Santa for the eventHundreds of people dressed as Santa for the event (Image: NQ)

The change of venue meant runners tackled a shorter route than they would have by the river.

Those taking part could choose whether they did one or two 2.5km laps around the woods, compared to the 4km or 7.5km routes they would have been doing from South Quay.

Many would have been grateful for the shorter run as the heavens opened just as the runners were setting off, having held off during the warm-up.

After the run, participants were welcomed back with a medal and a mince pie.