MINDLESS vandals are being blamed for wrecking a COVID-19 memorial tree.

The young oak tree, which was planted at the recreation ground in Claines in October 2021 by local councillors, snapped in half at the start of November.

It was planted in memory of those who lost their lives during the COVID-19 pandemic by ward councillors.

City and county Councillor Mel Allcott, who represents the Claines ward said: "I think this was mindless, senseless vandalism.

"I paid for the tree and bench using part of my Covid recovery fund, I thought it would be a nice way to spend part of the money."

The Covid recovery fund was set up by Worcester City Council post pandemic and £1,000 was given to each councillor to spend on their community.

Known as the Rec, the field is popular with dog walkers and there is also a park for children on the field next to 8th Worcester Scout Group's hall.

Cllr Allcott said: "We're hoping to replace the broken oak with a new one before Christmas. We might put a metal cage around the new tree to protect it."

City councillor Karen Lawrence, who represents Claines, also used part of her recovery fund to plant the tree and the bench.

She said: "The oak is the first memorial tree we planted at the Rec in Claines. It also has a wooden bench around it, which was my idea. People, especially dog walkers, like to sit on the bench, it's a place of reflection.

"The original tree and the bench cost £700."

"I also had a Mulberry tree planted for the Queen's Platinum Jubilee, and a Holm Oak for the King's Coronation.

Councillor Lawrence isn't sure if the tree has been vandalised or not, she said: "I think someone sat at the bench, messed with the branch and it snapped.

"We need to replace the whole tree because it has been broken off too close to the base, I will use my allowance to buy another oak tree and get the council to plant it. The money I'll spend replacing the tree, I now can't spend on the community."