For the first time in Worcestershire there is a support group for partners of men suffering with prostate cancer. And its start in Movember, the month that focuses on men’s health.

It’s the idea of Alison Hanson and Andrea Ferns, whose husbands have been diagnosed and treated for prostate cancer. When Alison’s husband was scheduled for a prostatectomy she sought the help from the Kidderminster and Worcestershire Prostate Cancer Support Group (KWPCSG).

This group of volunteers support men following their diagnosis with meet-ups and information, and through this organisation was put in touch with Andrea whose husband had recently finished his treatment.

Talking with other partners they recognised a real need for ongoing help for those caring for men with a prostate cancer diagnosis.

Alison said: “At the beginning we are all in the dark and organisations like KWPCSG are amazing, particularly for our partners. But, for me, I realised I needed to chat to others in my situation, swap experiences, exchange information and sometimes just relax and talk about something else.

“Prostate Cancer UK says this cancer will affect one man in eight each year - that’s a lot of partners too. So, Andrea and I decided to set up the partner group in the hope that others like us would benefit from this social and supportive opportunity.”

The first meeting of the partner group is this Friday (November 24) at Perdiswell Leisure Centre, Bilford Road, Worcester, WR3 8DX (free parking on site).

It will be held between 11am and 12 midday - there will be coffee, cake and chatter; partners of men with prostate cancer can just turn up and drop in.

For more information about the group have a look at