A former Worcester City Councillor has passed away.

Mrs Margaret Wills, who represented the former St Barnabas ward (now Rainbow Hill ward) for Labour from April 1981, died peacefully, aged 86, on Saturday, November 11 after a long illness.

Mrs Wills served the council for 19 years, and notably had spells as chair of the Planning Committee from 1984 to 1992, and leader of the council from May 1998 to May 1999.

Rainbow Ward's current councillor, Adrain Gregson, mourned Mrs Wills’ passing.

He said: "Margaret was a very caring and community-minded councillor, particularly interested in decent housing and high quality planning development for local people.

"She was well liked across the political spectrum, not just for her drive and intellect but also her personality, warmth and enthusiasm.

"Her socialist commitment was undimmed.

"For a youthful councillor like me, she was an inspiring mentor and colleague and it was always a pleasure to meet her after she had retired from the local political scene".

Mrs Wills will be remembered dearly for her commitment and service to Worcester.

An internment is set for November 22 at 11am at Astwood Cemetery natural burial area.