A MARRIED couple has so far lost an incredible 43kg (6.7 stone) between them with neither finished yet - and now they hope their dramatic transformation can inspire others.

Dawn Morris and her husband Les Morris of Malvern both decided things needed to change - and they would be better off making those changes together.

The couple works together at Amcor Flexibles, Mrs Morris in research and development and Mr Morris as a process engineer.

It struck Mrs Morris how far she had come when she picked up a kettlebell which weighed around as much as she had lost.

"I was just thinking 'that's what I used to carry around'.

"Poor Les has nothing left in his wardrobe because nothing fits. His old clothes were hanging off like a tent," she said.

Now they plan a trip to Bicester Village so they can get an entirely new wardrobe for him.

"We have also got better mental health now and we sleep better. We feel absolutely ecstatic," she said.

They started their weight loss programme on January 1 and have not looked back since with their dramatic progress celebrated on boards at their Malvern gym. 

Since the journey began Mrs Morris, 49, and Mr Morris, 50, have changed several aspects of their life, including portion control and cutting down on takeaways - and their story is displayed at Malvern Splash to help inspire others to embrace a healthier lifestyle. 

Worcester News: TRANSFORMED: Dawn Morris (left) and husband Les Morris before their weight loss journey yielded such dramatic and inspiring results TRANSFORMED: Dawn Morris (left) and husband Les Morris before their weight loss journey yielded such dramatic and inspiring results (Image: Supplied)

Mrs Morris said: "The weight started falling off. We lost around one stone each in the first month - and we also had a dry January."

In less than a year Mrs Morris has dropped from 15 stone to around 11stone 11lbs and Mr Morris from over 19 stone to 16 stone, keeping tabs on their progress on an app.

She believes if both of them had not done it together, one or both of them may have failed. She describes how both felt 'pretty disgusted with ourselves' but, now they have seen such dramatic progress, they hope they can inspire others.

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The other change was taking their three-year-old fox red Labrador on a daily 5km walk and making the most of the town's beautiful scenery - the couple live right at the foot of the Malvern Hills.

They also attend spin classes together while Mr Morris attended Boot Camp over the summer.

Both say the staff at Freedom Leisure Centres (Malvern Splash and Dyson Perrins) 'deserve a lot of credit' for supporting them and 'inspiring them' to reach their goals and sustain their momentum.