RESIDENTS are "upset" and "shocked" after the council lost its chance to rule on a controversial care home plan after missing the deadline to make a decision.

The plan to build a 70-bed care home on land known as the 'Donkey Field', off Northwick Road in Worcester, was put forward almost two years ago and has gone to appeal.

It will now be up to the government's planning inspectors to decide on the care home's future due to the developers appealing over 'non-determination', which means Wychavon District Council missed the statutory deadline of 13 weeks.

However, the campaigners say they won't take it lying down - and will 'man the barricades' and protest against it.

Rosie Drinkwater, who has been leading protests, said residents are upset with the appeal after they had been chasing Wychavon to make a decision.

"I would say residents are extremely upset, shocked and this was not expected. I do not know why the council did not make a decision," she said.

Ciaran Power, Head of Development Management for Wychavon District Council, said the council had received a late objection from the flooding authority, which raised various concerns.

He added rather than recommending refusal, they offered the applicant the opportunity to respond to the technical matters raised, which was the reason behind the delay.

"The applicant chose not to do this and instead opted to appeal on the grounds of non-determination," said Mr Power.

"We are disappointed they chose this course of action, but that is their legal right, and we will robustly defend our recommendation this application should be refused at appeal.”

Miss Drinkwater said the appeal will not deter residents and they are now preparing for a new set of protests.

"We are angry and will man the barricades and not take this lying down," she said.

"I am encouraging everyone to make as much noise as possible because this is our last chance.

"I am also encouraging people to write to their MPs and councillors and put it on social media.

"My target is to get 1,000 signatures and really to get as many people in Worcester doing it."

More than 160 objections were made against the plan by residents, and 1,100 signatures were collected against the plan, which was first submitted to be an 80-bed care home

Worcester News: The land is just off Northwick Road. The land is just off Northwick Road. (Image: Submitted)

The plan proved controversial when its original 80-bed plan was first submitted at the end of 2020, which Wychavon District Council had rejected.

Wychavon District Council said it must present its report and evidence to the inspector by December 19.

It added that a site visit will take place in early January, and the inspector is expected to decide by February or March next year.

A plan for a 74-bed care home on the remaining part of the former park and ride site in John Comyn Drive off Droitwich Road, less than a mile away from Old Northwick Farm, was approved by Worcester City Council in 2020.

Worcester City Council's planning committee also gave the green light to demolish the former Perdiswell Harvester and replace it with a 76-bed care home this year.