HALLOWEEN is around the corner and as the nights get darker earlier things are certainly feeling a little more spooky.

Whether you believe in ghosts or not - we've all had a few unexplained ghostly incidents especially in Worcester given its long and bloody history. 

Here are some of the most haunted buildings in Worcester according to Worcester News readers

With the spooky season well and truly upon us, we asked you which buildings in the city are you most likely to find something from beyond our world.

Here is what you said: 

The Carpet Factory building

David Thatcher suggested that the building which was most recently "The Carpet Factory", on London Road, is haunted.

He said: "I lived there for seven years and there was definitely a presence. It was supposed to be the spirit of a cavalryman from the Civil War.

"When they were digging for a phone mast in the backyard, the workman found the remains of bones.

"I saw them, but before I reported them, cement was poured over, for work on the mast."

The Carpet Factory building has been empty since 2016, and has also been two different Indian restaurants.

Ye Olde Talbot

Several readers suggested that the  Ye Olde Talbot pub and hotel on the corner of Friar Street is haunted. The pub is a traditional 13th-century coaching inn.

Danny Harris said: "I worked there in the late 1980s and early 1990s, and saw some scary things. It freaks me out to this day."

Shelly Smith said: "I worked there and saw stuff. I hated the cellar and the room above the outside area."

The Cardinal's Hat

The Cardinal's Hat, on Friar Street, was another popular recommendation from Worcester residents.

Holly Allen, a manager at The Cardinal's Hat, previously told the Worcester News about friendly ghosts residing there.

She said: "We have a ghost called Emily, apparently she wears a white dress and floats about. I believe we have another ghost called The Cardinal who sits in the pub by the window.

"Sometimes one of the lights behind the bar will start to flicker and we always know something weird is going to happen. They are very friendly and playful ghosts."

A commenter also said they experienced strange things at the pub in the past.

Ellie Lane said: "There were lots of strange things that happened when I worked there."

Throughout its long history, the Cardinal’s Hat has taken many different names.

In the 18th century, it was called the Swan and Falcon, before being re-named the Coventry Arms in the 19th century, returning to its original name in the 1950s.

Despite the name changes, the building has been serving the community as an inn for centuries. 

The Commandery

This popular museum, in Sidbury, has been previously dubbed as the most haunted building in the city.

Bridget Moore said: "I heard The little girl giggling at the Commandery at the top of the back stairs as you walk through the narrow door frame.

"She was in between me and my husband and we both jumped back at the same time. Clear as day."

The old Costa and Golden Lion Pub building

Emma Cook and Dawn Link-Brown suggested that the building on Worcester's High Street, which most recently housed a Costa Coffee, is haunted.

The building is notable for having the death mask of William Guise - a Worcester citizen who played a crucial role in the Battle of Worcester by alerting Oliver Cromwell of the Royalist plans during the English Civil War.

The branch closed its doors for the final time on Wednesday, September 13, with staff moving to a new location on High Street.

The King Charles House

Tourists often make a pit stop at the New Street pub because the building has been around since before the United States of America declared independence from Great Britain in 1776.

Darren Yong, manager of the pub, previously told the Worcester News about ghosts in the pub.

He said: "I was told there were two girls seen running around in the cellar, one is called Charlotte and she is from the Georgian era because she is wearing a traditional head cap. 

"She is nine years old and she died of a heart condition."

King Charles II fled from the backdoor of the pub almost 300 hundred years ago.

Steve Culy said: "The King Charles House had an overnight investigation recently which produced some interesting results."

Helen Caroline Âû said: "I worked there and have some interesting memories.