ARMED police stunned suspects with flash grenades which burnt big scorch marks into a wall before officers stormed a suburban house.

The manager of the short-let house in Hock Coppice, Warndon Villages, was not present when firearms officers with guns, shields and night vision goggles stormed the property in the early hours of Sunday which resulted in two arrests.

At the time she said the two-bedroom semi-detached house was occupied by two short-term tenants.

"I'm horrified about the whole thing. It's a nightmare. It is so distressing," said the manager, who wished only to be known by her first name, Jill.

Worcester News: SMASHED: Property manager Jill holds the broken door in Hock Coppice in Warndon Villages which was taken down using a chainsaw and battering ram known as an enforcer SMASHED: Property manager Jill holds the broken door in Hock Coppice in Warndon Villages which was taken down using a chainsaw and battering ram known as an enforcer (Image: James Connell/Newsquest)

Officers smashed their way through the £1,800 door using a chainsaw and a metal battering ram before throwing 'flashbangs' - also known as stun grenades or flash grenades -  into a back bedroom.

One flash grenade was thrown up the stairs into the bedroom, leaving scorch marks on the wall.

A witness said a woman was hanging out of a window when a second flashbang flew in over her head and exploded in the same bedroom.  

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Worcester News: DRAMA: The aftermath of the police raid and arrests at Hock Coppice in Warndon Villages in Worcester DRAMA: The aftermath of the police raid and arrests at Hock Coppice in Warndon Villages in Worcester (Image: James Connell/Newsquest)

A spokesperson for West Mercia Police said officers attended an address in Hock Coppice around 6.30pm on Saturday (September 30) following a report of a wanted person being present in the property.

They added: "Specially trained firearms officers attended and specialist munitions were used in order to distract the suspects. 

"A 40-year-old woman was arrested on suspicion of obstructing a police officer."

Bryn Jones, aged 39, of Rounds Road in Worcester has been charged with assault and possession of a knife. He has been remanded to appear at Kidderminster Magistrates’ Court today.

Worcester News: AFTERMATH: Scorch marks caused by flash bang or flash grenade at Hock Coppice AFTERMATH: Scorch marks caused by flash bang or flash grenade at Hock Coppice (Image: James Connell/Newsquest)

Eyewitnesses said it lasted five hours and that few slept because of shouts, loud bangs and barking dogs with a police negotiator involved at one stage.

One resident described 11 or 12 firearms officers with balaclavas, helmets, guns and shields testing their Tasers before surrounding the property. 

"It was quite frightening but I understand the police have a job to do. All the neighbours were looking out, a bit mesmerised. I heard a police negotiator shouting. They wanted to get a woman out safely."

At one stage she heard what she described as six to seven loud bangs.

"Twenty seconds later they marched him down here. It all ended about 3.30am," she said.

Another witness, a pregnant mum, said she heard the flashbangs exploding before the fire alarms in the house went off. 

Jill, the property's manager, said a neighbour also reported a man and a woman returning to the property and breaking a window with a hammer and taking clothes. 

On Monday a friend of the manager was sweeping up broken glass from the hallway while the broken remains of the door smashed by police were loaded into the manager's car, ready to be taken to the tip.