A 39-YEAR-old man has admitted his part in a street brawl which attracted a crowd caused by an alleged road rage incident. 

Rikki Jankowski was involved in a fight after going to a home a few doors down from where his partner lived in Droitwich.

Melanie Winterflood, prosecuting, said Jankowski, of Crofters Way, Droitwich, had received a call from his partner on June 17 in which she alleged her "madman" neighbour had tried to "run her off the road".

At around 7pm Jankowski confronted Lucas Roguszka, 39, on his doorstep, delivering the first punch which began a brawl.

Worcester News: AFFRAY: Rikki Jankowski AFFRAY: Rikki Jankowski (Image: Facebook)

Miss Winterflood said the fight spilled out into the street and at times, during the fight, Jankowski was on top punching him with a clenched fist.

The fight, described as a "prolonged incident" by the prosecutor, attracted a large crowd before police arrived and officers arrested both Jankowski and Roguska.

CCTV footage of the fight was shown to the magistrates.

The prosecutor said the affray was aggravated by Jankowski's criminal record which included assault occasioning actual bodily harm for which the defendant was given a suspended jail sentence in July.

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The court heard that, as the offence pre-dated the ABH matter, Janowski was not in breach of his suspended sentence.

Roguszka, of Paddock Hill, Droitwich, appeared at Worcester Magistrates Court on Thursday, (September 28). He denied affray, claiming he acted in self-defence.

Mark Turnbull, defending, asked for Janowski's sentence to be adjourned until after Roguska's trial because a sentencing bench should be clear on what had taken place.

Worcester News: COURT: Lucas RoguszkaCOURT: Lucas Roguszka (Image: Facebook)

Roguszka, defending himself, initially denied another offence of failing to provide a specimen for analysis.

But it emerged Roguszka's defence - that he didn't know the law and had asked for legal advice before giving a specimen - wasn't a valid defence.

John Hill, the chairman of the magistrates bench, warned Roguszka: "If you plead not guilty you will not have a defence and will lose (the trial)."

After that charge was re-put to him he said: "Yes I am guilty."


Worcester News: COURT: Jankowski and Roguszka appeared at Worcester Magistrates CourtCOURT: Jankowski and Roguszka appeared at Worcester Magistrates Court

Roguska was told to attend his affray trial scheduled for January 29 next year.

Roguska will be sentenced for failing to provide a specimen while Jankowski will be sentenced for affray after the trial is completed.