NEW defences will be installed on the edge of the city to protect homes from flooding.

The flood defences will be built in Toronto Close near the River Teme on the edge of Worcester after plans by the Environment Agency were backed by council planners.

The city-edge homes in Lower Wick, next to the historic English Civil War battle site at Powick Bridge, regularly flood and a handful of people were forced to evacuate in 2020 when Storm Dennis hit the county.

But while the move, which would see bunds and new walls installed, was welcomed by some residents in Toronto Close, others were concerned that the flood defences would only push the problems elsewhere.

Worcester News: DEFENCE: The areas marked in red will be strengthened by the Environment Agency's new flood

It would take around six months to build the flood defences, according to the Environment Agency.

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Approving the plan, planners at Worcester City Council said: “The proposal is necessary to reduce flood risk to 26 residential properties.

“The benefits of the scheme in terms of managing increased flood risk outweigh any harms identified.”

The work includes a new embankment along Laugherne Brook, new flood gates, the strengthening of the existing wall around Powick Mills and the rebuilding of the historic wall along Old Road.

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A study submitted with the planning application argued that while flood levels might increase in Columbia Drive, Manitoba Close and Ontario Close – the flooding would likely only reach gardens and not be a threat to homes.

Worcester News: FLOODED: Toronto Close in Worcester during floods in 2020

But before the decision was made, the application divided residents in and around Toronto Close with six approving of the work and seven objecting.

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Ian Care of Toronto Close said the flood defence was an “essential project” and Patricia Woolford, also of Toronto Close, said the protection was a “hugely important development” for residents.

However, Daniel Hargreaves of nearby Whitehorse Close said the current plans were “unacceptable.”

Mr and Mrs Martin of Manitoba Close said they were neither “confident nor convinced” by the application.

Moira Middleton of Powick Mills in Old Road said the planned works were a “massive worry” and was concerned the flood defences would just push the water towards her never-before-flooded home.