A SPATE of vehicle crime in Warndon and Warndon Villages has led police to offer advice.

Police are suggesting drivers use a Faraday box to store car keys when they are not being used. 

A spokesperson Warndon Safer Neighbourhood Policing team said: "Following on from the recent vehicle crimes in Warndon and Warndon Villages, there are a few simple crime prevention actions you can take.

"Remove all valuables from your vehicle. Park in a well-lit area, preferably covered by CCTV Store keys, including spare in a Faraday pouch."

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A Faraday bag, pouch or box blocks electromagnetic fields, such as those emitted by keyless entry systems.

It is named after its inventor, Michael Faraday.

The Warndon safer neighbourhood policing team spokesperson said: "If you don't have a Faraday bag, you can buy them online or make your own with several layers of tin foil.

"Leave vehicles in gear with steering locks on and additional security if you have it, such as deadlocks, etc."