MORE complaints have been made after patients were left with hefty fines when parking in an NHS car park. 

Drivers misusing Barbourne Health Centre's car park forced the practice to bring in parking restrictions in January.

The intention was to fine people who left their cars in the car park without visiting the surgery.

But genuine patients say they have also been slapped with fines - after not realising they needed to enter their car registration into a keypad inside the surgery on Droitwich Road.

Kim Tanner is the latest of those hit by one of these fines and said she was initially forced to pay £69.

But after appealing the fine and proving she had a GP appointment the fine was reduced to £20.

Ms Tanner said: "It's an NHS car park, it's happened to me and it's happened to several other people.

READ MORE: Car park restrictions at GP surgery as patients struggle to find spaces

"It is so unfair and people don't have the money to pay for stuff like that."

Other patients also revealed they'd also been hit with the 'unfair' fines after Ms Tanner reached out on social media.

Ms Tanner believes there isn't adequate signage in the car park and wants patients to be reminded to enter their registration number at the front desk when they book in.

We approached Barbourne Health Centre but staff declined to comment on the latest complaints.

But a spokesperson issued a statement when the decision to restrict parking came into play last January.

The statement said: "We would like to advise all of our patients that over the next couple of weeks, parking restrictions will be put in place in the car park.

"This is due to the growing number of vehicle owners leaving their cars here when they are not using any of the on-site services, including the pharmacy.

"There will be keypads in the main points of the service areas for you to enter your vehicle registration, failure to do so will result in fines being issued.

"Notices will be displayed and CCTV cameras will be put up in the car park by the parking company."

"Any fines issued are not the responsibility of the practice and should you receive one, there will be instructions on who to contact if you wish to dispute this.

"We have listened to patients' feedback regarding the struggles of parking for appointments etc and feel this is the only way we can manage this successfully for the benefit of the service users."