A MYSTERY person has been scattering 'crude' devices with sharp screws hidden in dog poo bags and wet wipes on a village's roads.

Puzzled Tibberton residents believe someone may be leaving them in an attempt to puncture car tyres.

But mystery surrounds who has made them and why they are being left along Plough Road.

Seven "crude" devices have been found in Tibberton since May.

There has also reportedly been an increase in the number of villagers experiencing punctured tyres. 

Worcester News: Some of the devices were hidden in baby wipes and put on the roadSome of the devices were hidden in baby wipes and put on the road (Image: Reader Submission)

There was a spate of them being left on the road in May but villagers said things "went back to normal quite quickly".

However, two more devices were found hidden in a dog poo bag and another in a baby wipe this weekend (July 29 to 30). 

Parish councillor June Woodland said: "If you were driving or cycling through Tibberton you would be forgiven for presuming it was just standard road litter. 

"These devices were found on or near the canal bridge which is a different area of deposition to the previous ones."

The devices are being found along Plough Road in Tibberton, from Church Lane to The Bridge pub. 

People believe they are being intentionally left in the village to cause damage.

Mrs Woodland said: "Items that appear to have been crudely put together in an effort to puncture vehicle tyres have been found.

"It started just after the Coronation in May.

Worcester News: Crude devices found along the road in Tibberton in Worcestershire Crude devices found along the road in Tibberton in Worcestershire (Image: Reader Submission)

"Screws are going into the tyres and are causing serious damage.

"The devices doing it have been manufactured, a device like that could never have been made by accident.

"It's a puzzle and very indiscriminate. 

"Cyclists and horse riders use the roads a lot.

"Why on earth would somebody be doing such a thing?" 

The village is often used by vehicles when there is heavy traffic on the M5 between Droitwich and Worcester.

Mrs Woodland said: "The screws are very crudely placed and put together.

"Why would somebody do such a thing?

"Residents of Tibberton have been reporting more punctures and we don't know whether it's somebody targeting the people of Tibberton for some reason.

"We have so many people drive through the village.

"It would be interesting to see who would do such a thing, it's such a strange course of action. 

"If you have a gripe with the village then just say."

She said the devices could do some serious damage and the issues has been reported to police.