AN angry pensioner has been ordered to pay £500 in compensation after he damaged the door of the city's police station.

Antony Drakes 69, of Edgeworth Close, Worcester, damaged the door of Worcester Police Station - then failed to show up at the city's magistrates court last Thursday.

When he did not turn up at court, a warrant for his arrest was issued by magistrates.

Worcester News: DAMGED: The broken glass door at Worcester Police Station DAMGED: The broken glass door at Worcester Police Station (Image: James Connell/Newsquest)

As previously reported, the main door of the police station in Castle Street was smashed and had to be covered with wooden boards in two of the upper panels. The Worcester News understands that the damage was caused when the defendant arrived at the police station and discovered the doors were locked. 

The defendant appeared before magistrates in Kidderminster on Monday where he was ordered to pay £500 in compensation to West Mercia Police for the damage to the door.

READ MORE: Manhunt for suspect in Worcester Police Station attack

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He pleaded guilty to criminal damage to property valued under £5,000 on June 23.

He further admitted failing to surrender to police / court bail at the appointed time and as soon as practicable on July 13.

No order was made for costs to accord priority to the compensation. A collection order was made by the court.

Drakes offered to pay in instalments only at a rate of £20 per month.

We reported how the front counter of Worcester Police Station was due to close for three consecutive days - May 23 to 25.

After the Worcester News made enquiries with the press office last time, we understand a PCSO was asked to man the counter from around 2pm on May 23, allowing it to reopen.

We reported in March how a similar sign appeared on the window of the station's front entrance, informing the public that the counter would be closed on Thursday, March 16.

The payments are set to start on August 14.