A "GROUNDBREAKING" mini-bus scheme has been set up by neighbouring pubs in a bid to keep trade alive.

Four pubs have united to provide minibus trips which will allow customers to travel between each venue.

The Cider Shed at Wayside Farm Shop in Wickhamford, The Fleece Inn in Bretforton, Boat Lane Brewery in Offenham and The Red Lion in Evesham are behind the scheme.

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Tom Cumberland from The Cider Shed said the initiative is groundbreaking, and pubs collaborating together is the best way to ensure their survival.

"The thing with the pub industry is it seems to be about competition and not caring what other pubs are doing as long as you are succeeding, and this is a new way of surviving and collaborating," Mr Cumberland said. 

Worcester News: Customers enjoying the ride between the pubs.Customers enjoying the ride between the pubs. (Image: Tom Doggett)

"The key is that each venue is very different, and that is the attraction. 

"What we want to do is give people very different experiences depending on what they want.

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"That is the big selling point and trying to keep the trade alive as there is always something which does make life hard for landlords."

Tom Doggett, landlord of the Red Lion said so far it had been a hit with 42 people using the minibus one evening.

He added: "We have absolutely benefitted from it.

"We get customers who wouldn't have visited us and our customers are visiting other venues.

"Customers who may not have come into town to see us can, and it is such a nice thing as people are also talking about it."

Cliff Minibuses has teamed up with the four pubs to make their dream a reality.

The scheme's popularity has led the group to have pick-up points in neighbouring towns and villages such as Broadway and Honeyborne so everyone can visit the venues.

Some residents have labelled the scheme as a 'minibus pub crawl' but Mr Cumberland said this was not the four's initial intention. 

The minibus will run from 5pm to 10pm on various Friday nights - so customers are warned to check the timetable before planning the trip - and it is £5 for unlimited journeys.