AN emotional crowd gathered to pay a touching tribute to Alfie Steele in Droitwich.

About 100 people gathered at Lido Park this evening (Sunday, July 16) to say a final goodbye to schoolboy Alfie Steele. 

Blue hearts were held up by mourners, which became a symbol to remember Alfie shortly after he was murdered in his home in Vashon Drive in February 2021. 

Music from The Beatles was played at various points throughout the service to mark the nine-year-olds love for the band.

Revd Laura Handy, who had led the service, said she only knew Alfie for a short period of time and reflected on what he could have become.

Revd Handy said: "A time to remember Alfie, a wonderful, kind and funny and brave boy. 

"He was a little boy who had dreams of joining the army."

Members of the crowd held up blue hearts and teddy bears as the Beatle's "Free as a Bird" was played - a poignant choice of music - which had some members in tears.

Dirk Howell, 41, of Princip Street, Birmingham, was found guilty of murdering Alfie, while the boy's mother, Carla Scott, 35, was found guilty of manslaughter after a six-week trial. 

Howell was jailed for life for murder with a minimum term of 32 years while Scott was jailed for 27 years, serving at least 17, last month.

The trial heard Alfie Steele died after being subjected to child abuse including beatings by belts. 

A post-mortem examination revealed Alfie had 50 injuries all over his body and the court heard only a handful could be put down to usual childhood bumps and scrapes.

At the pair's sentencing, His Honourable Judge Mark Wall KC said: "There is nothing that this court can do to return Alfie to those who love him.

"All it can do is to punish those responsible for causing their loss."