A SUPERMARKET chain has blamed a road closure for a crash.

Police had to be called out after a Co-operative lorry hit a wall at the end of Thorneloe Road in Worcester.

A spokesperson for the supermarket said the crash happened as the driver had been forced to take a detour due to the road closure on Barbourne Road.

They said: “Due to a road closure in relation to a major water main burst  Barbourne Road, our Co-Op delivery truck had to make an unplanned reversing manoeuvre, which unfortunately meant it caused damage to a hedge and wooden fence of a private residence, for which we sincerely apologise.”

“No one was injured and we have been in touch with the owner of the residence.”

READ MORE: Lorry crashes into wall near school as parents campaign for safer streets

Worcester News: The lorry crashed into a wall on Wednesday morningThe lorry crashed into a wall on Wednesday morning (Image: NQ)

The crash comes as residents and parents at nearby St George's RC Primary School have been taking to the streets to campaign for more safety measures to be introduced.

Each day, members of the community have gathered at each end of Thorneloe Walk, adjacent to Thorneloe Road, during school drop-off and pick-up times to stop "unnecessary" vehicles from driving by the school.

They are hoping to see Thorneloe Walk made a School Street, a government initiative aimed at reducing traffic near schools and encouraging people to walk and cycle instead.

ALSO READ: Television presenter weighs-in on frustrated parents who blocked road for school run

Worcester News: Damage caused to the hedge-covered fenceDamage caused to the hedge-covered fence (Image: NQ)

Councillor Mike Rouse, cabinet member with Responsibility for Highways and Transport at Worcestershire County Council, has urged people not to take matters into their own hands.

He said: “We cannot condone the unilateral actions taken by campaigners to effectively blockade a road without a permit and without permission.

“Where actions like this have happened elsewhere we see a rise in community tensions, so we call on all those involved to work with us constructively and not to take the law and road safety into their own hands.”