SHANE WADE, 35, of Sentinel Close, Worcester, admitted motoring offences. 

Wade admitted driving when his alcohol level was above the legal limit and without insurance. 

Wade committed both offences on May 24 this year in Bromsgrove. 

The evidential specimen of breath given was 51 micrograms of alcohol in 100ml of breath - the legal limit being 35mcg. 

Wade was banned for a year but given the chance to take the drink-drive awareness course to reduce the ban. 

Wade was fined £140 and told to pay costs of £135.


DANIEL COYLE, 42, of Regency Road, Malvern, admitted drink driving. 

Coyle was caught on May 26 this year in Temeside Way, Worcester. 

His evidential specimen had a 73mcg of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath, exceeding the legal limit of 35mcg. 

Coyle was banned from driving for 18 months but was offered the chance to do the drink-drive awareness course.

Coyle was fined £120 and told to pay costs of £135 and a victim surcharge of £48. 


MITCHELL PASSEY, 22, of Tolladine Road, Worcester, admitted a charge of sending a public communication network an offensive / indecent / obscene / menacing message / matter. 

The court heard Passey sent the victim a message of an indecent, obscene, or menacing nature - specifically threatening her with rape.

The offence took place between November 1, 2020, and January 27, 2021. 

Passey has been given a nine-month community order which requires he completes 20 rehabilitation activity requirement days. 

Passey was fined £250 and ordered to pay compensation of £100, costs of £135, and victim surcharge of £95. 

We previously said a sexual harm prevention order was granted however, this is not the case. We have corrected the record. 


SHAWN PRICE, 23, of Lichfield Avenue, Worcester, has admitted two thefts by finding charges. 

The court heard Price stole a Gousto box valued at £45 and a parcel worth £70. The thefts took place on December 12 last year. 

Price was given a 12-month conditional discharge. 

Proce was ordered to pay compensation of £22.50, costs of £100 and £26 victim surcharge.