DISABLED people and even binmen are 'at risk of a fall' with the council urged to paint road markings to stop people parking over a dropped kerb.

Vulnerable residents in Potters Close, off Saddlers Walk, say they have only one safe way to get off the pavement in their wheelchairs, walking aids and mobility scooters.

However, the dropped kerb - technically a footway crossing - is often blocked by parked cars, making it very difficult for disabled people, parents with pushchairs and even binmen to get down. The path has already been resurfaced and trees removed by Citizen Housing to reduce the risk of people falling (tree roots had made the path uneven).

Worcester News: RISKS: The steep kerb in Potters Close in Worcester saw a binman drop a wheelie bin says resident Eddie Gilbert RISKS: The steep kerb in Potters Close in Worcester saw a binman drop a wheelie bin says resident Eddie Gilbert (Image: James Connell/Newsquest)

Eddie Gilbert saw a binman drop a wheelie bin, spilling all the contents, as he tried to heave it over an eight-inch kerb as the dropped kerb was blocked.

He said: "I saw the binman topple over the kerb last Friday. You can't get the bins down there because people park over the dropped kerb."

READ MORE: Trees cut down in Potters Close after people suffer falls

READ MORE: 'Fall risk' for elderly and disabled people near Saddlers Walk

The 76-year-old is concerned his wife Hazel, who suffers from arthritis and uses a walker, will trip trying to get off the steep kerb.

The cause has now been taken up by the Warndon ward councillor, Jill Desayrah, who said: "The county council can save the day - and all they have to do is throw some paint around."

The Labour councillor added: “The Potters Close car park and garage renovation program planned by Citizen was put on hold a few weeks ago.

"That could have seen the area transformed to offer significantly more parking and offer proper disabled access to it.

"Since that work programme is suspended indefinitely, we have turned to the county council, asking them to paint some kind of parking deterrent on the road in front of the dropped kerb.

"Maybe yellow cross-hatching? That would encourage drivers to leave the space clear and not park entirely over it, as currently often happens.

"If this road painting is done carefully, there should not be any significant loss of parking space, but there will be more chance that this much-needed access is always available to those who need it.

"I know that the county council has been considering this request since it was made several weeks ago, and as it is a relatively small piece of work, I hope they will agree to it very soon. The many local residents with mobility issues, who currently struggle to use this car park, will be very appreciative.“

A spokesperson for Worcestershire County Council said: “We can confirm we have received correspondence on behalf of the residents regarding issues in Potters Close. We will explore the issues raised in further detail and will share with the local county councillor to determine the next steps.”