A BAR near Worcester city centre has a new eye-catching entrance which is doubling as an art gallery.

The Sociable Beer Company has a new entrance on The Tything, in the former C & Z Gifts, Cars and Homeware building.

The entrance will allow customers to access the bar and brewery from the Tythng. Previously the bar was only accessible from Britannia Road.

The entrance features a branded light and large text in the window saying "Art and Craft. Bar, brewery, gallery, street food and live music."

Keith Duddy, the managing director of The Sociable Beer Company, said he understands how difficult it can be for artists to find spaces to display their work. He is making the new frontage available to artists.

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He said: "We are interested in the interesting - as someone who is interested in art I thought it might be fun to see who comes forward.

"What I want to do is to give artists an opportunity to exhibit their work through a series of pop-ups. It could be a solo show or a group that wants to do something in the space.

"Essentially they can take over the space for a week or a month and run it as they wish. 

"I have two daughters who did art degrees and know how difficult it is for new artists to find places to exhibit - if this can help encourage people then great."

The idea for a gallery came about because the brewery wanted an entrance onto the Tything but didn’t want to go to the expense of running a shop.

Mr Duddy thinks the new entrance on The Tything can be mutually beneficial for both local artists and also the brewery and bar.

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He said: "We take no rent or commission from them - we hope the benefit to us comes from new people enjoying the space and maybe also discovering our brewery and bar.

"The first show will be up in August and features a young Malvern based-artist called Jack Shepherd."

The artists must open the doors between 5pm to 11pm on Thursdays, 4pm to 12pm on Fridays and from 4pm to 12pm on Saturdays to allow the brewery's customers to access the bar. However, the artists can open longer if they wish. 

If you are an artist interested in using the space, you can contact Mr Duddy at keith@thesociablebeercompany.com.