'GUTTED' caravan owners are already packing up and moving on after being given their marching orders, leaving a heartbroken community 'in tatters'. 

There is a sombre mood at the Ketch Caravan Park off Bath Road in Worcester as holidaymakers dismantle their decking and start to gather up their belongings. The Worcester News encountered one woman in tears.

Worcester News: MAGNIFICENT: A view of the Ketch Caravan Park from the Carrington Bridge MAGNIFICENT: A view of the Ketch Caravan Park from the Carrington Bridge (Image: James Connell/Newsquest)

Instead of the sound of laughter and birdsong at the idyllic riverside spot, close to the Severn, it is the sound of drills and hammers which fill the air.

There are about 60 caravans on the site overlooking the river Severn, including statics and touring caravans. We discovered two residents busy dismantling their decking, one making the journey from Merseyside to do so.

Worcester News: SAD: A newly empty pitch at the Ketch Caravan Park SAD: A newly empty pitch at the Ketch Caravan Park (Image: James Connell/Newsquest)

At least one static caravan has already been moved on last Monday, leaving behind only the empty pitch where it once stood. Other members of the community said the owners of that static had been coming here for 11 years.

One man, who had been coming to Worcester from his home in northern England for four years, said: "I'm between gutted and heartbroken. I'm thinking mine might have to be scrapped. I've had it for four years but it's 19 years old."

Worcester News: SORROW: This holidaymaker was already in the process of taking down his decking at the Ketch Caravan ParkSORROW: This holidaymaker was already in the process of taking down his decking at the Ketch Caravan Park (Image: James Connell/Newsquest)

As previously reported, caravan owners received a letter in April from Tremlo Limited which read: "You will need to leave the Park by that date and to make arrangements to remove the holiday home and any other personal possessions from the Park by no later than November 30, 2023 (being one month from the date of termination).

READ MORE: Despair of disabled woman forced to leave Ketch Caravan Park

READ MORE: Ketch Caravan Park - shock as residents get marching orders in letter

"The Agreement will of course remain in force until October 31, 2023, and you will be entitled to continue to occupy the holiday home until that date."

None of the residents we spoke to wanted to be named, describing a strained atmosphere on the site. Some are already in touch with a solicitor to see what, if anything, can be done.

Worcester News: Decking at the Ketch Caravan Park being dismantled alreadyDecking at the Ketch Caravan Park being dismantled already (Image: James Connell/Newsquest)

Another holidaymaker from South Wales said: "I'm devastated. We thought it was for however long we wanted it for our getaway. We leave on June 14. It's a really nice community. Everybody helps each other."

One holidaymaker had only bought his static last July for over £12,000 (with the caravan park owners taking 15 per cent) on top of a ground rent of £2,500 per year. He is now waiting to see what happens and is uncertain of the future.

"I feel terrible, devastated. We love it here. That's why we picked it. I don't know what I'm going to do yet, maybe scrap it. They won't have them on other sites because they're too old. We're both retired and we put our pensions into it," he said.

One woman has been coming for 30 years and another woman, originally from Worcester, has a terminal illness. "It was my bolt hole. But now I won't be able to go anywhere," she said.

Another static owner, who has been coming to the Ketch for nine years, said: "Everyone is devastated. Everyone is gutted. It's a community in tatters."

The site managers have so far declined to comment.