A WOMAN has described the moment she was pickpocketed outside Worcester Cathedral with thieves going on a spending spree in a petrol station and cafe.

On Easter Sunday, Vicky Parkhouse had her bank card and driving licence stolen.

She thought she had items from her bag stolen while she went up to take communion.

However, after checking the charges made to the card, it is now believed she was pickpocketed before she entered the building.

Miss Parkhouse said: "Initially I thought my bag had been rummaged through in the Cathedral itself as when I checked there was not much left in it.

"Normally during communion, you leave your bags in the pews. I told the staff at the Cathedral, and I also contacted the police after I became aware things had been taken from my bag.

"When police asked me to check my card for charges, it appears they had been made before communion began.

"I was parked in the King Street car park so I feel like I must have been pickpocketed before I entered the Cathedral."

READ MORE: Thief stole bag from worshipper at Worcester Cathedral

Miss Parkhouse said her card was used at a petrol station and a cafe.

She said: "They charged £72 to my card but the money being spent was not the issue, it is just more the inconvenience of the whole thing as I was going to get the money back in the end.

"My driving licence was also taken at the time as well which was also very annoying."

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The Reverend Canon Dr Stephen Edwards also said staff at Worcester Cathedral were praying for those affected.

A spokesperson for West Mercia Police said the case has now been closed pending further investigative opportunities becoming available.

To report a crime to West Mercia Police, call 101 or use the online 'Tell Us About' form on the West Mercia Police website at https://www.westmercia.police.uk/tua/tell-us-about/.

Alternatively, contact Crimestoppers anonymously by calling 0800 555 111 or by visiting https://crimestoppers-uk.org/.