A SECTION of a road in Droitwich has been labelled so dangerous by residents that they say a crash could be imminent.

Residents living near the BP M&S garage on Worcester Road are concerned about pedestrians crossing the road after witnessing "many near misses."

Cllr Richard Morris has created a petition demanding a better crossing for residents - which has attracted hundreds of signatures.

The stretch of road sees traffic coming in, and out of the garage, as well as the Primsland Way junction opposite and two bus stops are positioned next to these.

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Cars also parked up the road have made it harder for drivers to see when coming out of the junctions.

One of those who has signed the petition is Andrew Finch, who said: "This is a really dangerous junction.

"I have seen far too many near misses recently, and there is a risk of a serious incident or worse."

June Colyer added: "I live close by and have seen many close shaves, a bad accident is imminent.

"Sometimes it's almost impossible to cross the road."

So far, 219 people have signed Cllr Morris' petition.

Cllr Morris, who also holds the County Council portfolio for Environment, said: "When we did a surgery, many residents said they were concerned and many said they were scared to cross to get to the shop or Copcut Park.

"It is quite a busy little area.

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"If you wait (to cross the road), your eyes are at all angles - it is not that you have to look left and right, and it can be pretty hairy.

"I am unsure of the solution, but Highways will put something in to improve safety."

Other residents said the improvements are needed because the nearest walk is five minutes away near Oakland Avenue.

This is also a point Cllr Morris echoed, saying: "There is a crossing further up, but it is out of the way to cross. 

"For the elderly, this is not ideal.

"It is quite a trek out of the way if you are just going to walk your dog or the shop."

Worcestershire County Council declined to comment.