AN EXASPERATED resident given a parking ticket claims he was forced to park on a single yellow line because there are no spaces near his home.

Pawel Sieczka, of Comer Road, wants more parking for residents in St John's after having to pay a fine for parking on a restricted road.

He was given a parking ticket after parking his car on Lambert Road which has single yellow lines enforced between 8.30am and 5pm from Monday to Friday.

Mr Sieczka claims there was nowhere else for him to park and said there needs to be better parking arrangements for residents.

He said: "The local authority does not seem keen to change anything in the area.

"I have raised the issue many times before and nothing seems to change.

"The way I see it, there is a clear lack of care towards residents of Comer Road and adjacent roads when it comes to parking.

"This is a lovely place to live but with all of the HMOs in the area the parking situation is awful."

READ MORE: Worcester man slams parking on Comer Road in St John's

Mr Sieczka also raised the issue in August, stating that the situation is so bad he is forced to park on the single yellow lines in the area before waking up early every morning to move his car.

Cllr Richard Udall, Worcestershire County and Worcester City councillor for St John's Ward, said he is aware of the concerns and has tried to help with the situation.

He said: "The area does have problems with parking and it’s a balance of trying to find enough space for residents and responding to the concerns, also from residents, who have requested parking restrictions for road safety reasons. 

"Residents of Comer Road and two adjacent roads were surveyed some time ago and were asked about having a residents-only parking scheme, but the proposal was rejected when not enough residents supported the idea. 

"We have agreed to remove some on-street parking restrictions in Comer Road, hopefully this will create more spaces very soon. 

"I will continue to try and respond to residents’ concerns, but frequently residents have conflicting views."

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A spokesperson for Worcestershire County Council said: “We ask for any requests for about residential parking schemes to be sent through to your county councillor or logged via the report it pages of our website.

"When logging a request, we would ask for our residents to give us as much detail as possible regarding their issue, so that the request can be passed on to the appropriate team to action."