A FREE pint is officially off the table after a Martin Hussingtree pub is swarmed with thirsty customers.

The new manager at The Swan in Martin Hussingtree, near Worcester, offered customers a free drink with the hopes of improving the pub's reputation.

Kian Morgan, age 23, wished to lure back old customers and welcome new people to the pub, too, all while improving the pub's current rating.

However, since Worcester News published its initial article, Mr Morgan has become quite people with people coming in and asking for their free drink.

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He said: "It is crazy. 

"I have only been here a short while, and people know my name and face.

"We are in a good position, and I must admit we got a lot of traction from the article.

"We have had to stop the free drink offer as it became unviable from a business perspective.

"But we have been busy and had a lot of positive comments and reviews from people who saw the article and wanted to return."

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Dozens of drinkers took up the offer - and have vowed to return to the pub after being impressed.

Pubs get rated on a Reputation Scheme which scores them out of 1000 based on online reviews. 

The pub scored 670 before he arrived in November and the score has recently risen to 742.

He aims to bring his several years of experience to raise the number higher and improve the pub's role in the community.

The Swan has currently rated 3.8 stars on Google reviews.

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Mr Morgan added: "We had people return because of the article, and 95 per cent of people said they would come back. 

"On Mother's Day, I did more covers than I ever expected with people asking if I am Kian and they knew my face.

"We took over £5,000, which is great, and we could have done with another person on shift."

The pub offers a list of new events which Mr Morgan introduced.

It currently runs a dog of the month competition where owners who visit the pub with their dog get added to a prize draw. 

They also plan to run an Easter egg hunt and have special appearances from Too Hoots Bird Rescue - the pub's chosen charity.