Pupils said a fond farewell to a popular headteacher who has worked at a private schools in Worcester since 2010.

The RGS Worcester Family of Schools said goodbye to headmistress Sarah Atkinson – who has held the position at RGS Dodderhill since 2019.

Prior to her role at RGS Dodderhill, she previously spent nine years at RGS The Grange, first as head of pre-prep and then as deputy head (academic).

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A spokesperson said: “Mrs Atkinson has been an integral part of the RGS community, bringing her wealth of experience and knowledge to the RGS Family since 2010.

“These combined roles speak volumes about her commitment and dedication to education in Worcestershire.

"Her contribution to both RGS Dodderhill and RGS The Grange has been immense.”

Mrs Atkinson was educated at North London Collegiate and completed her BEd degree with Geography at Cambridge University.

Her career in education included stints at three independent London Prep schools and twelve years at Trinity School in Devon before her move to RGS The Grange and then RGS Dodderhill.

All four of Mrs Atkinson's children have attended the RGS Family of Schools, including Alice who is currently in her final year at RGS Worcester and also plays Hockey for England at Under 23 level.

John Pitt, executive head of The RGS Worcester Family of Schools, said: “We would all like to thank Sarah for her unwavering commitment and dedication to RGS over the last 13 years, first at RGS The Grange and then as Head of RGS Dodderhill.

“We are all very proud of what RGS Dodderhill has become and a significant part of that growth and development is down to Sarah’s drive and determination.

“Sarah has been an outstanding head and inspired many young people in her care.

“We wish her all the best as she heads off to Devon to become head of West Buckland Prep School and thank her for her superb contribution to this school”.

Mrs Amelia Cartwright is taking on the post of acting head of RGS Doddderhill for next term, before the arrival of the new head, Tom Banyard, in September.