COPPER piping has been stolen from a home by man with "distinctive trousers" in a village near Pershore.

Police are appealing for information following the burglary at a home on Harpley Road, in Defford, where a bucket full of copper piping was stolen in the middle of the afternoon on Saturday, March 18.

The property is currently undergoing building work, and a detailed description of the offender has been released.

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PCSO Ashley Smith said: "The burglary happened at 4.27pm.

"The offender entered the property that is currently undergoing building work. They have then proceeded to steal a bucket full of copper piping.

"The offender has been described as male, dark facial hair and dark hair, wearing a hi-vis jacket with a light-coloured hoodie, with black jogging bottoms and white trainers.

"He is fairly slim, Middle Eastern or Eastern European and around 6ft tall. His trousers were quite distinct, they were dark but had a square emblem on the right groin and white writing on the right ankle or a white logo.

"Anyone with any information about the incident is asked to contact us online, quoting incident number 00496_I_18032023."

If you aren’t comfortable contacting the police directly, you can pass on information anonymously to the independent charity, Crimestoppers, by calling 0800 555 111 or by visiting their website: