ONE city park has been branded a “huge wasted opportunity” for its lack of facilities for young people in a council play area survey.

At the start of the year, Worcester City Council launched a survey asking for views on potential new parks, play areas and outdoor facilities in a bid to help tackle the city’s shortage.

But the council has since said it had been forced to re-open its consultation after a “disappointing” take-up by the public.

However, the lack of facilities in Pitmaston Park, one of the city’s more prominent green spaces, has seen the public buck the trend and come out in force to call for more to be done.

There has been criticism for not making the most of one of the few green spaces on the west side of the city with one person even going as far as to say the much-used park and “wonderful space” is now “nothing more than a dog’s toilet.

“Whatever will be installed here is better than today's sad situation,” they said.

The council survey, which was available throughout January and February, includes an online interactive map that gives you the chance to comment on the state of existing play areas and make suggestions on improvements or where there is demand for a new play area.

Dozens of responders to the survey have called for more facilities to be built at Pitmaston Park with a long wish list including a new BMX track, picnic tables, a play area or even a proper perimeter path.

One responder to the survey said: “Pitmaston could be a valuable asset to children in the area.

“A play area would be fantastic, there really is a minimal amount of play equipment this side of the river and obviously a large amount of children who would hugely benefit.”

Another said: “Pitmaston Park has the potential to be a really great space for people that live around it.

“Play areas are very limited on this side of St John’s yet there are a lot of young families around Pitmaston due to the school.

“I think a more natural-looking park would be in keeping with the aesthetic and it doesn't have to be huge. Just something small within walking distance.”

“I feel that Pitmaston Park has huge potential to better serve the needs of people of all ages in the local area,” another respondent said.

“Even something as simple as a path around the edge would mean that you could cycle around it with young children or go jogging.”

Another added: “A path around the edge would make it more pushchair friendly and natural play equipment would be so popular without spoiling the look of the park.

“A BMX track would also be really popular as there is nothing like this in St John’s at the moment for older kids.”

A recent assessment of Worcester’s open spaces revealed that at least ten football pitches worth of space needs to be made into play areas for children just to reach the council's own targets.