ILLEGAL tobacco products that were seized in Worcester were worth thousands of pounds according to Worcestershire Trading Standards.

Officers from Worcestershire Trading Standards conducted a raid on a shop in the city that was suspected of selling illegal tobacco products.

On arrival at the shop, officers found illegal tobacco and oversized vapes to the value of £4000.

Cllr Marcus Hart said: “Trading Standards can confirm that they today visited a shop in Worcester and as a result seized approximately £4,000 worth of illicit tobacco and a number of oversize vapes.

"The premise was targeted, following concerns raised and investigations made over the last few months, our investigations are continuing.”

READ MORE: Worcestershire Trading Standards seize illegal tobacco and vapes

Illegal tobacco can include ‘illicit white’ cigarettes that have no legal market in the UK, counterfeit cigarettes that are illegally manufactured and genuine cigarettes smuggled into the UK without duty paid.

Worcestershire County Council’s Trading Standards service is the statutory enforcement authority for weights and measures law, food and agricultural standards laws, product safety law, fair trading laws and animal health law.

The location of the shop has not been confirmed by Worcestershire Trading Standards.