CHILDREN involved in anti-social behaviour in Worcester and Pershore have been identified by police.

West Mercia Police confirmed that the parents of children who have been involved with "inconsiderate and continued anti-social behaviour" in Worcester and Pershore have now been spoken to.

Last night (Thursday, february 16), the Pershore safer neighbourhood policing team delivered letters to those involved about their behaviour.

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PCSO Ashley Smith said: "Tonight your local Safer Neighbourhood Team for Pershore Town and Rural have been out delivering letters to identified children (alongside their parents) for their (the child's) inconsiderate and continued anti-social behaviour throughout Pershore Town and more recently within Worcester.

"This also gave us, as a Safer Neighbourhood Team, chance to speak to the parents, and discuss consequences should the behaviour continue."

PSCO Smith explained that due to the age of those involved, a community protection notice warning is not suitable.

He said: " Due to the age of some of those involved, Community Protection Notice Warnings are not suitable.

"As a result, there is a level system of Anti-Social Behaviour which these letters are a part of.

"Should these letters be ignored, and behaviour continue, the levels escalate, and further action is taken. 

"As a Safer Neighbourhood Team, we continue to monitor and deal with anti-social behaviour where appropriate.

"Working with our partners and other agencies, we urge people to report incidents of anti-social behaviour via 101 or online via Always dial 999 in an emergency."

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According to the police, antisocial behaviour is defined as 'behaviour by a person which causes, or is likely to cause, harassment, alarm or distress to persons not of the same household as the person'.

There are three main categories for antisocial behaviour, which are personal antisocial behaviour, nuisance antisocial behaviour and environmental antisocial behaviour.

Under these main headings antisocial behaviour falls into one of 13 different types:

  1. Vehicle Abandoned
  2. Vehicle nuisance or inappropriate use
  3. Rowdy or inconsiderate behaviour
  4. Rowdy or nuisance neighbours
  5. Littering or drug paraphernalia
  6. Animal problems
  7. Trespassing
  8. Nuisance calls
  9. Street drinking
  10. Prostitution-related activity
  11. Nuisance noise
  12. egging
  13. Misuse of fireworks


For more information on ASB you can visit the West Mercia Police website.