ENVIRONMENT Agency has placed flooding warnings on the following Worcestershire towns and villages.

There are currently 24 warnings across the county along the River Severn as its river levels are set to peak this evening (Sunday).

The Environment Agency places flood warnings when people in that area need to take action against flooding.

That includes turning off gas, water and electricity supplies, moving things upstairs or to safety and moving pets and family to safety.

It is one step away from a severe flood warning.

Police have been checking on people living along the riverside in Worcester again today as the river is expected to peak tonight at 5.4 to 5.7m.

In Upton-upon-Severn it is expected to reach up to 5.5m tonight.

READ MORE: Live flood updates as river levels set to peak in Worcestershire

READ MORE: Desperate search for car's owner as it becomes submerged in flood waters

READ MORE: Pictures show extent of flooding across city as river expected to peak

Flood warnings in Worcestershire

  • River Severn at Abbots Court, Deerhurst
  • River Severn at Apperley and The Leigh
  • River Severn at Bewdley, Blackstone and Stourport
  • River Severn at Chaceley and Haw Bridge
  • River Severn at Clifton and Severn Stoke
  • River Severn at Court Meadow, Kempsey and Callow End
  • River Severn at East Waterside, Upton upon Severn
  • River Severn at Hampton Loade and Highley
  • River Severn at Hanley Castle, Rectory Road in Upton upon Severn and Saxons Lode
  • River Severn at Hanley Road, Upton upon Severn
  • River Severn at Hawford Wood and Bevere
  • River Severn at Larford, Riverlands and Holt Fleet
  • River Severn at New Street and Backfields Lane, Upton upon Severn
  • River Severn at Northwood, Bewdley
  • River Severn at Pitchcroft, North Worcester
  • River Severn at Severn Ham, Tewkesbury
  • River Severn at Severnside, Bewdley
  • River Severn at Upper Arley
  • River Severn at Waterside, Upton upon Severn
  • River Severn at Wribbenhall, Bewdley
  • River Severn in North Worcester
  • River Severn in South Worcester
  • River Severn Sandy Lane and Severnside, Stourport
  • River Wye from Hereford to Ross-On-Wye

This morning, a flood warning was removed from River Avon at Strensham and Bredon.